GMHEC Well-Being Calendar


Virtual Grocery Store Tour

The grocery store can be overwhelming when trying to make healthy choices. Join the experts from the NIH for a virtual grocery store tour to understand how to effectively shop the grocery store. ?Learn how to prepare ahead, understand food labels and shop in-season to maximize freshness. Click here to register.

No Addict Left Behind

Is substance use a concern? Our webinars will help you learn more about physical, behavioral and emotional signs, as well as offer coping techniques and support. These webinars are free and are open to anyone, including parents, caregivers and loved ones. Sign up for any one of these webinars and you’ll receive a reminder once … Continue reading No Addict Left Behind

Mental Health and Finances

Taking charge of your finances can help you rest easy, sleep better, and put you on a path to a more secure financial future. This presentation can help you understand how your finances impact your mental health and vice versa. You’ll learn about top financial stressors and ways to stress less while managing your money, … Continue reading Mental Health and Finances

The Ins and Outs of Roth Accounts

Saving through Roth after-tax contributions may reduce your taxes in retirement and your investment earnings may be tax-free too. Everyone has access to this Roth feature. Attend this webinar to learn more about Roth contributions to determine if you should add this to your savings strategy