How do I create an invoice?
Reference Guide: Invoice Entry – Unmatched (Updated 6/4/21)
How do I create an invoice that has a PO associated with it?
Reference Guide: Matched Invoices (Updated 9/5/19)
Reference Guide: Matched Line Invoices – NEW!
How to search for your invoice
How do I withdraw my invoice?
How do I edit an invoice after it has been withdrawn or rejected?
How to resubmit an invoice that has been withdrawn
How do approvals for invoices happen in Oracle?
How do I insure a supplier's check will be held for pick-up?
Reference Guide: Special Instructions for Payment – NEW!
How does an existing supplier sign up for Direct Deposit (ACH)?
In order for a supplier to be paid via ACH, please have them complete GMHEC's Direct Deposit form.
I’m a Supplier Invoice approver on leave. How do I delegate my approval authority?
Reference Guide: Creating or Changing Approval Delegation (Updated 8/19/20)
Invoice Troubleshooting
How to Resolve Invoice Errors