GMHEC Well-Being Calendar


Introduction to Medicare

McCardell Bicentennial Hall - Room 216 Bicentennial Way, Middlebury, Vermont

Session offering up information for those exploring Medicare and potential Retirement from the College. Presented by Age Well of Vermont. Can't make this session? We'll schedule others or reach out to Age Well to be invited to one of their upcoming virtual sessions: 800-642-5119.

Event Series Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga

Everything you’ve come to expect from Chair Yoga is delivered! Join Diana Whitney as she leads participants in gentle movements with the chair providing support and balance. Chair Yoga is a wonderful way to loosen and stretch your muscles, reduce stress, and improve circulation.  Offered at no cost through the Waterbury Public Library.  No experience … Continue reading Chair Yoga

Event Series Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga

Everything you’ve come to expect from Chair Yoga is delivered! Join Diana Whitney as she leads participants in gentle movements with the chair providing support and balance. Chair Yoga is a wonderful way to loosen and stretch your muscles, reduce stress, and improve circulation.  Offered at no cost through the Waterbury Public Library.  No experience … Continue reading Chair Yoga

Retirement Planning Across Generations & Demographics

Retirement planning across generations and demographics: Navigating the big decisionsRetirement planning involves important calculations,from how much to save to when to retire.During this webinar, learn: