GMHEC Well-Being Calendar


Registration is open for Mental Health First Aid

Join Sunny Naughton, owner of Sunshine Silver Linings for this virtual event. The purpose of MHFA training is to build an empowered community united around mental health care by educating communities, organizations and induviduals in how to address mental health issues effectively.  In MHFA classes, people get a better understanding of how to recognize and offer initial … Continue reading Registration is open for Mental Health First Aid

Retirement Saving Basics

Don’t procrastinate — set yourself up for success. Get tips on maximizing your savings at any stage in life.

Retirement Savings Basics

Don’t procrastinate — set yourself up for success. Get tips on maximizing your savings at any stage in life.

Exploring Medicare Options

Cigna's virtual educational seminars will cover a wide range of Medicare topics, including eligibility, coverage options and the enrollment process.

Planning for College 101

Financing a college education is a big task. This event explores things you may need to know about funding education, including how to apply for federal and state financial aid, scholarships and grants, and other funding options like a 529 plan. We'll also touch on budgeting for college expenses. Whether you're supporting a loved one … Continue reading Planning for College 101