In the below categories are how-to reference guides, videos and FAQs.
I am an employee
I am a manager

Payroll Team
Benefits Team
What is HCM?
Oracle HCM, short for Human Capital Management, is the software system that runs the functions of Human Resources and Payroll. HCM is a cloud based system where HCM is where you update your address, emergency contact information, direct deposit information, tax withholdings and can see your paychecks. It is also used to request time off and, if you are an hourly paid employee, you enter each day your hours worked.
How does this affect me?
Staff: HCM is where you update your address, emergency contact information, direct deposit information, tax withholdings and can see your paychecks. You also request time off via HCM and, if you are an hourly paid staff, you enter each day your hours worked.
Faculty: HCM is where you update your address, emergency contact information, direct deposit information, tax withholdings and can see your paychecks.
Students: HCM is where you enter every day the hours you worked in order to get paid.
Supervisors: HCM is where you approve any absences requested by your staff or student workers and hours worked of your hourly employees.
The Green Mountain Higher Education Consortium (GMHEC) and our member institutions of Champlain College, Middlebury and St. Michael’s College are actively upgrading to modern day technology, implementing best practices and, working together, we are creating cost savings and avoiding significant costs .