Logging in and General Navigation
This guide describes how to log in to Oracle and navigate the Home screen.
Manage Your Time Card (Student Employees) (Updated 8/13/2021
This guide walks student employees through how to
create, edit, save, and submit time cards for approval in
VIDEO: How to Create a Time Card
VIDEO: How to Enter Time for One or More Jobs
Time Entry on a Handheld Device (Updated 8/13/2021)
The process enables you to add and submit various
important documents in Oracle.
This process enables you to upload your photo into
Download and View Your Payslip
This process will be used to help employees view their
personal payroll payslips.
This guide describes how to make a change to your
federal and/or state income tax withholding (Form W-4).
This IRS withholding estimator can aid you in filling out your W-4.
This process will be used to help employees view their
current salary information.
Direct Deposit - Add, Change or Remove Accounts
This process will be used to help employees add, change
or remove personal direct deposit bank accounts for
Payroll to be deposited into.
Having trouble finding your correct routing number and bank name? Use the bank name lookup sheet linked here.
This guide describes how to update your race and ethnicity in Oracle.
(For SMC and GMHEC only) Apply for Job as an Internal Candidate
This guide will walk you through the process of applying for a job posting in Oracle as an internal candidate.