When you think about your physical well-being, what comes to mind? Do you feel vibrant and energized? Do you have a spring in your step? Do you feel strong and confident that your energy will enable you to tackle the day ahead with ease? Or, do you feel run down and sluggish? Are you dragging yourself through the day with thoughts of how much you have to get done and when you’ll be able to get home and get back in bed? Do you feel like you run out of energy to do the things that really matter to you…the things you enjoy doing just for you, that add joy and meaning to your life?
All posts by Rebecca Schubert
A free benefit for employees who are currently eligible and enrolled in our CIGNA health insurance programs
“I know what I should do but I just can’t seem to get myself to do it.” “I make progress toward my goals but then I sabotage myself.” “I just can’t seem to get out of my own way.” “I’ve lost and gained the same twenty pounds so many times I’ve lost count.” Sound familiar… read on. Continue reading A free benefit for employees who are currently eligible and enrolled in our CIGNA health insurance programs