GMHEC Well-Being Calendar


August: Meditation for Positive Self-Talk

Our minds are so powerful! The words we say to ourselvesmatter. Join the team from InvestEAP for this guided mindfulness meditation session where you will learn to interrupt negative self-talk and practice self-compassion. Click here to register.

Exploring Medicare Options

Cigna’s virtual educational seminars will cover a wide range of Medicare topics, including eligibility, coverage options and the enrollment process.

Insurance Basics: Protecting Your Future & Assets

Insurance can be an essential tool for protecting your financial future, but with so many options, it can be challenging to know where to start. We’ll look at the basics of insurance, including the different types of coverage available, such as life, health, home, and auto insurance. We'll also provide tips for how you might … Continue reading Insurance Basics: Protecting Your Future & Assets

Insurance Basics: Protecting Your Future & Assets

Insurance can be an essential tool for protecting your financial future, but with so many options, it can be challenging to know where to start. We’ll look at the basics of insurance, including the different types of coverage available, such as life, health, home, and auto insurance. We'll also provide tips for how you might … Continue reading Insurance Basics: Protecting Your Future & Assets

Navigating Difficult Conversations

We’ve all avoided having a difficult conversation. You may worryabout setting boundaries or about how the other person will react –this is normal! But the problem with avoidance is that it often allowsthe situation to continue and potentially get worse. Acknowledgingand resolving tension in a healthy way are necessary to your ownwellbeing. Join the team … Continue reading Navigating Difficult Conversations