Category Archives: Well-being

Join us for the annual Step Up for Stepping Strong Challenge

All faculty, staff and students of the GMHEC colleges are invited to join the Green Mountain Higher Ed. Consortium team for the annual Step Up for Stepping Strong steps challenge supporting The Gillian Reny Stepping Strong Center for Trauma Innovation at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. 

The challenge runs from May 1st through the 31st.  Be part of an effort to raise a $100,000 gift to advance trauma research provided by Cigna, honor and support those who have been affected by trauma and be entered into weekly drawings to win gift cards. There is no cost to participate and there is no individual fundraising requirement.  Download the MoveSpring app, connect your device and get moving. It’s simple and fun and you can feel good knowing that you’re activity is making a positive difference. 

Celebrate Heart Month by Investing in Yourself

We’ve all heard the old adage that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” (Benjamin Franklin).  When it comes to our health, and specifically heart health, this quote could not be more applicable.  While genetics certainly play a role in the health of our hearts, our lifestyle and preventive care behaviors also play a significant role. Since February is American Heart Month let’s talk about some things we may be able to do to keep our hearts healthy.

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Prioritize Your Well-being!

GMHEC is proud to announce the launch of a new wellness program – Movejoy!

Movejoy has created a wellness check-in program for employees of our member colleges and registration is open now. Movejoy matches employees from our member institutions based around compatible schedules and wellness goals. Together the matched pairs help one another stay accountable to a wellness goal/action for the duration of the program. This program is open to all employees and is a great way to connect with someone new and support one another.

The program will run from Monday, February 6th to Friday March 31st and we are asking everyone to sign up by Sunday, January 29th. Click here to visit the GMHEC sign up page


Take small steps

November is National Diabetes Month so it’s the perfect time to talk about prediabetes.  Prediabetes is a serious health condition affecting more than 88 million Americans, most of whom don’t even know they have it.  Prediabetes puts you at an increased risk for developing type 2 diabetes.  In fact, people who have prediabetes have a 50% chance of developing diabetes over the next 5 to 10 years.  The good news though is that by making small lifestyle changes, it is possible to manage or reverse prediabetes and prevent it from turning into type 2 diabetes.    

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Celebrate National Parks and Recreation Month!

Summer in Vermont…. bluebird skies, vibrant greens of the trees and meadows, flowers blooming in their bright, stunning hues, the beautiful sound of birds singing, the shimmering crystal blue waters of our lakes and streams…Vermont has it all. Not only is the environment stunningly beautiful and awe inspiring but it’s also good for us.

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An ounce of prevention….

We’ve all heard the old saying that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”  The phrase was coined back in 1736 by Benjamin Franklin to remind the people of Philadelphia to be vigilant about fire awareness and prevention. Regardless of the issue we are referring to, prevention is always easier that managing challenges after they have occurred. When it comes to our health and well-being, this adage most definitely rings true.

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Fuel Your Life Nutrition Challenge

March is National Nutrition Monday and there is no better way to celebrate and have some fun than with a nutrition challenge.  The Fuel Your Life Challenge is a self-administered 4-week nutrition challenge designed to support participants to improve their eating habits.  It will run from Monday, March 7th through Friday, April 1st.  Each week of the challenge is focused on a different goal:

  • Week 1 – Making a small change to improve an eating habit
  • Week 2 – Upgrading lunch to be healthier
  • Week 3 – Cutting down consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages
  • Week 4 – Planning and preparing meals
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When it comes to heart health, keep it simple

Rarely do we think about our heart and the incredible job that it does to keep us alive.  Since February is American Heart Month there is no better time to think about our heart and consider what we might do to keep it strong and healthy.  The heart is the hardest working muscle in our body and is responsible for delivering oxygen to every cell in our body (except the cornea).  Our heart works tirelessly every second of every day of our lives and it never gets a break.   Consuming a healthy diet, engaging in regular physical activity, avoiding tobacco and reducing stress are essential to keeping our heart in top shape and essential to helping our heart keep up with its tremendous demands.

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Six Ways to Stay Safe and Enjoy Yourself This Holiday Season

Turn on the radio or television or log in to your social media accounts and you’ll likely see messages about the holidays being “the most wonderful time of the year”.  While that may be the case for many of us, we may also find this time of year to be one of the most stressful.  We’re feeling the pinch of having to wrap up year-end projects at work.  We’re overwhelmed with our finances and the supply chain crisis and how this will impact our holiday shopping.  We’ve been indulging in holiday goodies and our waistbands are feeling a too tight for comfort.  On top of all of that we’ve got Covid and the worry about new variants and how this will impact us and our loved ones.  Despite these challenges, it is possible to enjoy the holidays and do it safely.  Here are five strategies to help you stay safe and well this holiday season.

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