
Do I get Prime with the Amazon Business Account?

As a general matter, the Consortium colleges do not pay for prime membership.

  • If you currently have one, please cancel your prime membership pro-actively by calling Amazon Customer Service at (866) 486-2360. Amazon will refund the prime membership fee based on how many months of the annual membership have already been used.
  • Please be cautious not to sign up for prime membership. Currently, Amazon offers on it’s business account prime membership to users and it’s a bit to easy to accidentally sign up for it.
  • If you have Prime at home, you can link your personal prime account to your business amazon account. Then you’ll receive the benefit of Prime, i.e., free shipping on small orders, on the regular Amazon business account.
  • “Prime Exclusive Items”: are a limited set of items sold by Amazon that can only be purchased with a prime membership. In these cases, those items are often available from 3rd party sellers as well (just without the 2-day prime shipping). If your order is above the current threshold for business accounts, you can still get 2-day shipping.

What is Amazon Smile?

The AmazonSmile Foundation donates 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to the charitable organization selected by you. Please always enter your business account through AmazonSmile and designate your employer as your charity to earn back some of the dollars spent on Amazon

Amazon is charging me sales tax – what do I do?

Generally, the colleges are exempt from Sales tax except in California and thus sellers should not charge sales tax.

– If Amazon was the seller:

  • Call (888-280-9552) to have the sales tax refunded

– If 3rd party seller:

  • On go to “Your Account” and to “Your Orders”.
  • Find the item that was charged tax and click the “Contact the Seller” button.
  • Enter as the subject “Tax Exemption Refund Request”.
  • Include the order number and amount of sales tax charged.
  • The seller is required to respond within 72 hours.
  • They may ask for some additional information, if not, they typically just issue the refund.
  • If you have any issues contacting the seller, or other questions, contact the Amazon tax team at (888) 280-9552.

How do I sign up (I use my email address for an Amazon account and have used that account for personal purchases)?

  • Once you receive the email invitation from Amazon to join the business account, click the “Accept this invitation” button in the email.
  • Then click the “Continue” button.
  • You will see the screen: “Sign in to the account you will use for business.”
  • Enter your email address and Amazon password for this account (if you don’t remember the password, click “Forgot your password?” to reset the password).
  • Click on “Sign In”.
  • On the next screen “Choose an account option”, click on “Create a separate account” to separate your personal purchases on Amazon from any business purchases. This action will create a new (personal) Amazon account under a different (personal) email address.
  • Click on “Continue”.
  • Enter the email address you want to use from now on for personal Amazon purchases.
  • Click on “Save and continue”.
  • You will be prompted to enter your name, email and to create a password for the account to buy for business on Amazon.
  • Click on “Create Account”.
  • You’ll see an “Almost Complete!” window and you can choose to copy your address book and payment methods. Be sure to only use a college shipping address and only the college’s purchasing card as a payment method for the business account.
  • Click on “Complete”.
  • Amazon will send you an email confirming the creation of the account.

How do I sign up (I use my email address for an Amazon account, I use that account ONLY for business purposes)?

  • Once you receive the email invitation from Amazon to join the business account, click the “Accept this invitation” button in the email.
  • Then click the “Continue” button.
  • You will see a screen “Sign in to the account you will use for business”.
  • Enter your email address and password (if you don’t remember the password, click “Forgot your password?” to reset the password).
  • Click on “Sign In”.
  • You will see the screen: “Choose an account option.”
  • Click on “Use my existing account”.
  • Click on “Complete”.
  • Amazon will send you an email confirming the creation of the account.

How do I sign up (I have never used my email address for an Amazon account)?

  • Once you receive the email invitation from Amazon to join the business account, click the “Accept this invitation” button in the email.
  • Then click the “Continue” button.
  • You will be prompted to enter your name, your email address and to create a password.
  • Click on “Create Account”.
  • You’ll see an “Almost Complete!” window.
  • Click on “Complete”.
  • Amazon will send you an email confirming the creation of the account.

Corporate Car Rental Rates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacinia tincidunt turpis eu porta. Nam porta massa sed mattis congue. Proin tellus mi, volutpat non consequat a, mattis ut ante. Vivamus lorem ex, iaculis eget sem at, porttitor iaculis eros. Curabitur mollis enim eget justo fermentum facilisis. Praesent malesuada sed elit sit amet placerat. Etiam maximus lectus a ligula posuere, a iaculis nunc cursus. Praesent congue enim non est lacinia, et pharetra purus pretium. Cras aliquam arcu ut lacus euismod, nec ultricies arcu sollicitudin. Nullam lacinia nibh et interdum semper.

Preferred Hotel Rates

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacinia tincidunt turpis eu porta. Nam porta massa sed mattis congue. Proin tellus mi, volutpat non consequat a, mattis ut ante. Vivamus lorem ex, iaculis eget sem at, porttitor iaculis eros. Curabitur mollis enim eget justo fermentum facilisis. Praesent malesuada sed elit sit amet placerat. Etiam maximus lectus a ligula posuere, a iaculis nunc cursus. Praesent congue enim non est lacinia, et pharetra purus pretium. Cras aliquam arcu ut lacus euismod, nec ultricies arcu sollicitudin. Nullam lacinia nibh et interdum semper.

How do I order electronics, A/V equipment, etc?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacinia tincidunt turpis eu porta. Nam porta massa sed mattis congue. Proin tellus mi, volutpat non consequat a, mattis ut ante. Vivamus lorem ex, iaculis eget sem at, porttitor iaculis eros. Curabitur mollis enim eget justo fermentum facilisis. Praesent malesuada sed elit sit amet placerat. Etiam maximus lectus a ligula posuere, a iaculis nunc cursus. Praesent congue enim non est lacinia, et pharetra purus pretium. Cras aliquam arcu ut lacus euismod, nec ultricies arcu sollicitudin. Nullam lacinia nibh et interdum semper.

How do I order coffee and water?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacinia tincidunt turpis eu porta. Nam porta massa sed mattis congue. Proin tellus mi, volutpat non consequat a, mattis ut ante. Vivamus lorem ex, iaculis eget sem at, porttitor iaculis eros. Curabitur mollis enim eget justo fermentum facilisis. Praesent malesuada sed elit sit amet placerat. Etiam maximus lectus a ligula posuere, a iaculis nunc cursus. Praesent congue enim non est lacinia, et pharetra purus pretium. Cras aliquam arcu ut lacus euismod, nec ultricies arcu sollicitudin. Nullam lacinia nibh et interdum semper.