
How do I order office supplies and paper?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut lacinia tincidunt turpis eu porta. Nam porta massa sed mattis congue. Proin tellus mi, volutpat non consequat a, mattis ut ante. Vivamus lorem ex, iaculis eget sem at, porttitor iaculis eros. Curabitur mollis enim eget justo fermentum facilisis. Praesent malesuada sed elit sit amet placerat. Etiam maximus lectus a ligula posuere, a iaculis nunc cursus. Praesent congue enim non est lacinia, et pharetra purus pretium. Cras aliquam arcu ut lacus euismod, nec ultricies arcu sollicitudin. Nullam lacinia nibh et interdum semper.

Amazon Business Account

Each college has an Amazon Business Account through which all Amazon purchases made for business are required to be made.  Benefits of the Business account are:

  • Free Two-Day Shipping on eligible orders over $49
  • Free standard shipping on eligible orders over $35
  • Pricing and quantity discounts on over 8 million items not available on consumer accounts (with or without Prime)
  • Sales Tax Exemption on purchases
  • Custom reporting for your transactions
  • Access to a specialized Customer Service team

To sign up for an Amazon account at your college, contact procurement@ (your college, e.g.,
To access the Amazon account, please always use and choose as the organization you will support your college.
Personal Use? The Amazon Business Account may only be used for business purposes to avoid violation of tax exemption regulation.
Shipping Address: Enter your departments shipping address.
Payment: At this point you need to have a College purchasing card to be able to purchase on Amazon.
Returns: are handled the same way as on consumer accounts (albeit word on the street is that the business support teams might be a bit more lenient with free returns…)
Reporting: The Amazon Business Account allows for reporting on what was purchased in the past by user. If you are an administrator, you can also run reports on purchases for your department.
Amazon Customer Service: (866) 486-2360 Monday – Friday 8 a.m. – 10 p.m. EST and Saturday & Sunday 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. EST.