Taking charge of your finances can help you rest easy, sleep better, and put you on a path to a more secure financial future. This presentation can help you understand how your finances impact your mental health and vice versa. You’ll learn about top financial stressors and ways to stress less while managing your money, all the way through retirement.
Fun and Free Conversational one-hour sessions with Capstone’s financial coaches, Rosie Manning and Mary Johnson. These lunchtime chats are for anyone looking to learn more about money management. Everyone is welcome.
3/27 – Steer Your Way to a Great Auto Purchase
Contact Rosie at (802) 636-7752 or Rmanning@capstonevt.org for more information.
Fun and Free Conversational one-hour sessions with Capstone’s financial coaches, Rosie Manning and Mary Johnson. These lunchtime chats are for anyone looking to learn more about money management. Everyone is welcome.
3/20 – Tips & Tricks to Borrowing
3/27 – Steer Your Way to a Great Auto Purchase
Contact Rosie at (802) 636-7752 or Rmanning@capstonevt.org for more information.
Retirement may seem far away, but the sooner you start planning, the better. We’ll talk about some basic elements of retirement planning, including calculating your retirement needs, evaluating risk and return, and different types of retirement accounts. We’ll also touch on how you might account for unexpected expenses like healthcare costs and long-term care.
For anyone halfway down the road to retirement, this webinar is a critical checkpoint. It takes you through the keys to successful money management, how to juggle competing financial demands and retirement saving strategies that can help put you on the path to lifelong financial security.
Ensuring that our assets will pass to loved ones, and causes that are near and dear are important to most of us. Discover the components of a basic estate plan and strategies to ensure that your wishes are met.
Join us for a discussion on the growth of AI and what that means for protecting ourselves against scams and cybersecurity attacks. We will cover topics on how AI is being used in scam and phishing attempts as well as practical steps attendees can take to safeguard their family and themselves.
Financial knowledge to get started on the right foot. Start caring for your financial well-being now. It’s never too early to begin saving, and the sooner you do, the more prepared you may be down the road.
We’ll share financial strategies:
Understand your income and your outflow, and how to balance them to your advantage
Discover how saving a little now can help you later on
Make a plan for your finances and your financial future
If you’re in or near your peak earning years and want to do all you can to build a secure retirement, this webinar is for you. We’ll move beyond investing basics to help you fine-tune your saving and investing strategies for retirement.