GMHEC Well-Being Calendar


New to Cardio

Introduction to cardio with no equipment needed! This class takes youthrough some beginner work with some essential but simple exercises.Join us and start your new year with a little easy movement. Click here to register.

Mastering Money Basics

If you want to feel confident about your finances, consider using a plan with the following components: controlling spending, managing debt, prioritizing savings, and maintaining excellent credit. Avoiding or losing focus on any of these elements can add stress to your life. This event explains the importance of each one and helps you get started. … Continue reading Mastering Money Basics

Meet your Future Self: Creating A Vision Board

People often start the new year with high hopes. But instead of the pressureof resolutions, try a different approach: creating a vision of your future self.What does “future you” feel like? Join us for this guided imagery workshop totune into your intentions and bring them to your life. Click here to register.

Register now! Fueling for Sports Performance

 Join Sarah Lange, Registered Dietitian from Whole Health Nutrition for this three-part virtual series where you will learn about: This class may be covered in full by your insurance. Contact Whole Health Nutrition at (802) 999-9207 or at February 11, 18 and 25th. 6-7pm EST.

Mental Health First Aid

Sunshine Silver Linings is excited to offer free, grant-funded Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) virtual courses this February and March, specifically for Vermonters and those serving Vermont communities! These interactive classes provide essential tools to support individuals experiencing mental health or substance use challenges, making a meaningful impact in our state.

New to Medicare Info Session (Zoom)

Learn about the basics of navigating Medicare enrollment from the team at Age Well Vermont. This session will be hosted by a member of Age Well’s State Health Insurance Assistance Program (SHIP) team that offers free and confidential health insurance counseling. ZOOM LINK:Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: 048523 Email if … Continue reading New to Medicare Info Session (Zoom)